
Basis object for defining the coordinate system and unit cell of a lattice.

class lattpy.basis.LatticeBasis(basis, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Lattice basis for representing the coordinate system and unit cell of a lattice.

The LatticeBasis object is the core of any lattice model. It defines the basis vectors and subsequently the coordinate system of the lattice and provides the necessary basis transformations between the world and lattice coordinate system.

basis: array_like or float or LatticeBasis

The primitive basis vectors that define the unit cell of the lattice. If a LatticeBasis instance is passed it is copied and used as the new basis.


Key-word arguments. Used only when subclassing LatticeBasis.


>>> import lattpy as lp
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> basis = lp.LatticeBasis.square()
>>> _ = basis.plot_basis()

(png, pdf)


int: The dimension of the lattice.


np.ndarray: Array containing the basis vectors as rows.


np.ndarray: The basis vectors expanded to three dimensions.


np.ndarray: Lengths of the basis vectors.


np.ndarray: The shape of the box spawned by the basis vectors.


float: The volume of the unit cell defined by the basis vectors.



Initializes a one-dimensional lattice.


Initializes a 2D lattice with square basis vectors.

rectangular([a1, a2])

Initializes a 2D lattice with rectangular basis vectors.

oblique(alpha[, a1, a2])

Initializes a 2D lattice with oblique basis vectors.


Initializes a 2D lattice with hexagonal basis vectors.

hexagonal3d([a, az])

Initializes a 3D lattice with hexagonal basis vectors.


Initializes a 3D simple cubic lattice.


Initializes a 3D face centered cubic lattice.


Initializes a 3D body centered cubic lattice.


Transform the world coords (x, y, ...) into the basis coords (n, m, ...).


Transform the basis-coords (n, m, ...) into the world coords (x, y, ...).


Returns the translation vector and atom position of the given position.

translate(nvec[, r])

Translates the given postion vector r by the translation vector n.

is_reciprocal(vecs[, tol])

Checks if the given vectors are reciprocal to the lattice vectors.

reciprocal_vectors([tol, check])

Computes the reciprocal basis vectors of the bravais lattice.


Creates the lattice in reciprocal space.

get_neighbor_cells([distidx, ...])

Find all neighboring unit cells of the unit cell at the origin.


Computes the Wigner-Seitz cell of the lattice structure.


Computes the first Brillouin-zone of the lattice structure.

plot_basis([lw, ls, margins, grid, ...])

Plot the lattice basis.

classmethod chain(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a one-dimensional lattice.

classmethod square(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 2D lattice with square basis vectors.

classmethod rectangular(a1=1.0, a2=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 2D lattice with rectangular basis vectors.

classmethod oblique(alpha, a1=1.0, a2=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 2D lattice with oblique basis vectors.

classmethod hexagonal(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 2D lattice with hexagonal basis vectors.

classmethod hexagonal3d(a=1.0, az=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 3D lattice with hexagonal basis vectors.

classmethod sc(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 3D simple cubic lattice.

classmethod fcc(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 3D face centered cubic lattice.

classmethod bcc(a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a 3D body centered cubic lattice.

classmethod hypercubic(dim, a=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a d-dimensional cubic lattice.

property dim

int: The dimension of the lattice.

property vectors

np.ndarray: Array containing the basis vectors as rows.

property vectors3d

np.ndarray: The basis vectors expanded to three dimensions.

property norms

np.ndarray: Lengths of the basis vectors.

property cell_size

np.ndarray: The shape of the box spawned by the basis vectors.

property cell_volume

float: The volume of the unit cell defined by the basis vectors.


Transform the world coords (x, y, ...) into the basis coords (n, m, ...).

world_coords(…, N) array_like

The coordinates in the world coordinate system that are transformed into the lattice coordinate system.

basis_coords(…, N) np.ndarray

The coordinates in the lattice coordinate system.


Construct a lattice with basis vectors \(a_1 = (2, 0)\) and \(a_2 = (0, 1)\):

>>> latt = LatticeBasis([[2, 0], [0, 1]])

Transform points into the coordinate system of the lattice:

>>> latt.itransform([2, 0])
[1. 0.]
>>> latt.itransform([4, 0])
[2. 0.]
>>> latt.itransform([0, 1])
[0. 1.]

Transform the basis-coords (n, m, ...) into the world coords (x, y, ...).

basis_coords(…, N) array_like

The coordinates in the lattice coordinate system that are transformed into the world coordinate system.

world_coords(…, N) np.ndarray

The coordinates in the cartesian coordinate system.


Construct a lattice with basis vectors \(a_1 = (2, 0)\) and \(a_2 = (0, 1)\) :

>>> latt = LatticeBasis([[2, 0], [0, 1]])

Transform points into the world coordinat system:

>>> latt.itransform([1, 0])
[2. 0.]
>>> latt.itransform([2, 0])
[4. 0.]
>>> latt.itransform([0, 1])
[0. 1.]
translate(nvec, r=0.0)[source]

Translates the given postion vector r by the translation vector n.

The position is calculated using the translation vector \(n\) and the atom position in the unitcell \(r\):

\[R = \sum_i n_i v_i + r\]
nvec(…, N) array_like

Translation vector in the lattice coordinate system.

r(N) array_like, optional

The position in cartesian coordinates. If no vector is passed only the translation is returned.

r_trans(…, N) np.ndarray

The translated position.


Construct a lattice with basis vectors \(a_1 = (2, 0)\) and \(a_2 = (0, 1)\):

>>> latt = LatticeBasis([[2, 0], [0, 1]])

Translate the origin:

>>> n = [1, 0]
>>> latt.translate(n)
[2. 0.]

Translate a point:

>>> p = [0.5, 0.5]
>>> latt.translate(n, p)
[2.5 0.5]

Translate a point by multiple translation vectors:

>>> p = [0.5, 0.5]
>>> nvecs = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]]
>>> latt.translate(nvecs, p)
[[0.5 0.5]
 [2.5 0.5]
 [4.5 0.5]]

Returns the translation vector and atom position of the given position.

x(…, N) array_like or float

Position vector in cartesian coordinates.

nvec(…, N) np.ndarray

Translation vector in the lattice basis.

r(…, N) np.ndarray, optional

The position in real-space.


Construct a lattice with basis vectors \(a_1 = (2, 0)\) and \(a_2 = (0, 1)\):

>>> latt = LatticeBasis([[2, 0], [0, 1]])
>>> latt.itranslate([2, 0])
(array([1., 0.]), array([0., 0.]))
>>> latt.itranslate([2.5, 0.5])
(array([1., 0.]), array([0.5, 0.5]))
is_reciprocal(vecs, tol=1e-06)[source]

Checks if the given vectors are reciprocal to the lattice vectors.

The lattice- and reciprocal vectors \(a_i\) and \(b_i\) must satisfy the relation

\[a_i \cdot b_i = 2 \pi \delta_{ij}\]

To check the given vectors, the difference of each dot-product is compared to \(2\pi\) with the given tolerance.

vecsarray_like or float

The vectors to check. Must have the same dimension as the lattice.

tolfloat, optional

The tolerance used for checking the result of the dot-products.


Flag if the vectors are reciprocal to the lattice basis vectors.

reciprocal_vectors(tol=1e-06, check=False)[source]

Computes the reciprocal basis vectors of the bravais lattice.

The lattice- and reciprocal vectors \(a_i\) and \(b_i\) must satisfy the relation

\[a_i \cdot b_i = 2 \pi \delta_{ij}\]
tolfloat, optional

The tolerance used for checking the result of the dot-products.

checkbool, optional

Check the result and raise an exception if it does not satisfy the definition.


The reciprocal basis vectors of the lattice.


Reciprocal vectors of the square lattice:

>>> latt = LatticeBasis(np.eye(2))
>>> latt.reciprocal_vectors()
[[6.28318531 0.        ]
 [0.         6.28318531]]

Creates the lattice in reciprocal space.

min_negativebool, optional

If True the reciprocal vectors are scaled such that there are fewer negative elements than positive ones.


The lattice in reciprocal space

See also


Constructs the reciprocal vectors used for the reciprocal lattice


Reciprocal lattice of the square lattice:

>>> latt = LatticeBasis(np.eye(2))
>>> rlatt = latt.reciprocal_lattice()
>>> rlatt.vectors
[[6.28318531 0.        ]
 [0.         6.28318531]]
get_neighbor_cells(distidx=0, include_origin=True, comparison=<function isclose>)[source]

Find all neighboring unit cells of the unit cell at the origin.

distidxint, default

Index of distance to neighboring cells, default is 0 (nearest neighbors).

include_originbool, optional

If True the origin is included in the set.

comparisoncallable, optional

The method used for comparing distances.


The lattice indeices of the neighboring unit cells.


>>> latt = LatticeBasis(np.eye(2))
>>> latt.get_neighbor_cells(distidx=0, include_origin=False)
[[-1  0]
 [ 0 -1]
 [ 0  1]
 [ 1  0]]

Computes the Wigner-Seitz cell of the lattice structure.


The Wigner-Seitz cell of the lattice.


Computes the first Brillouin-zone of the lattice structure.

Constructs the Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice

min_negativebool, optional

If True the reciprocal vectors are scaled such that there are fewer negative elements than positive ones.


The Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice.

get_cell_superindex(index, shape)[source]

Converts a cell index to a super-index for the given shape.

The index of a unit cell is the translation vector.

indexarray_like or (N, D) np.ndarray

One or multiple cell indices. If a numpy array is passed the result will be an array of super-indices, otherwise an integer is returned.

shape(D, ) array_like

The shape for converting the index.

super_indexint or (N, ) int np.ndarray

The super index. If index is a numpy array, super_index is an array of super indices, otherwise it is an integer.

get_cell_index(super_index, shape)[source]

Converts a super index to the corresponding cell index for the given shape.

The index of a unit cell is the translation vector.

super_indexint or (N,) int np.ndarray

One or multiple super indices.

shape(D, ) array_like

The shape for converting the index.


The cell index. Of shape (D,) if super_index is an integer, otherwise of shape (N, D).

plot_basis(lw=None, ls='--', margins=0.1, grid=False, show_cell=True, show_vecs=True, adjustable='box', ax=None, show=False)[source]

Plot the lattice basis.

lwfloat, optional

The line width used for plotting the unit cell outlines.

lsstr, optional

The line style used for plotting the unit cell outlines.

marginsSequence[float] or float, optional

The margins of the plot.

gridbool, optional

If True, draw a grid in the plot.

show_vecsbool, optional

If True the first unit-cell is drawn.

show_cellbool, optional

If True the outlines of the unit cell are plotted.

adjustableNone or {‘box’, ‘datalim’}, optional

If not None, this defines which parameter will be adjusted to meet the equal aspect ratio. If ‘box’, change the physical dimensions of the Axes. If ‘datalim’, change the x or y data limits. Only applied to 2D plots.

axplt.Axes or plt.Axes3D or None, optional

Parent plot. If None, a new plot is initialized.

showbool, optional

If True, show the resulting plot.